Learn about using alcohol-based inks on Yupo paper with Katy Smeets.
Katy uses inks to create abstract patterns. She uses these as textures for digital art, such as her animal series. No two patterns are the same.
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Art supplies mentioned by Katy
Piñata alcohol inks by Jaquard
Copic refill inks
Yupo “paper”. Yupo is synthetic, non-porous paper invented in Japan. It’s basically plastic, consisting of polypropylene. It’s also made by paper manufacturers in other countries.
Posca pens
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Victoria Lee Connors travels the world creating landscapes made of wool fiber.
Victoria’s landscapes look like paintings from a distance, but are all made from dyed wool. Looking at pictures on the internet we have to imagine the fibrous texture of wool.
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Victoria creates these landscapes out in the open, en plein air. She attaches pieces of fiber to a canvas, resting on an easel, just as a landscape painter does.
Victoria’s Website:
A YouTube video which Victoria mentioned demonstrating fiber art
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Learn how to get paid as an artist in this Art Supply Posse chat with art business consultant Maria Brophy.
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Most of us are told you can’t earn money with art. This episode is a step towards debunking that myth. The movie and a video game industries are huge, and most of the people working on them have creative professions. But even when you know that you can earn money with art, that doesn’t make it easy.
Let’s face it, most artists are not good at selling their work. Maria specialises in teaching artists about the business of art so they can earn a living making art full time.
Sign up for Maria’s 11 week email-coaching course
Maria’s book Art, Money, Success
Maria’s website
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Learn how ceramics are made with pottery artist Julia Skott.
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If you’ve ever wondered what goes into making your coffee mug, this chat with Julia will give you a good insight.
You can find Julia’s ceramics at Semi-Cool Ceramics.
To hear more art related talk from Julia, check out her podcast with Tiff Arment called Make Do.
Instagram: @semicoolceramics
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This interview with Drew Brophy is full of wise and inspiring insights from someone who has been working as an artist for 30 years.
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Drew discusses how he was discouraged from making his art for several years, simply because it was different to what people knew. He persevered and figured out how to travel the world and get paid to paint surfboards.
Posca Pens
Drew has been using Posca paint markers since the late 1980s. He would import the pens himself and give them away to other artists.
Art & Business
In the final part of the interview Drew talks about how bad the “tortured artist” and “starving artist” myths are. He gives examples of all the different types of commercial artists earning a good income from their art. There is more about Drew’s journey and early years in his book painting surfboards and chasing waves.
Drew’s Links
Drew’s Website
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