Rachel chats about her eclectic crafting interests, the joy in being able to craft any time, and 15 years of blogging about crafting.
Art Supply Posse
162: Rutuja from Viviva Colors
Rutuja is co-founder of Viviva Colors, a manufacturer of easily portable watercolors. The paints are on sheets of paper making them lightweight and as easy to carry as a sketchpad.
161: Alchemist Anna
Anna (@alchemist_anna) chats with Kim about struggling to accept the creation of art as something truly worthwhile.
160: Rachel Pierman of Crafty Monkies
Rachel Pierman went from presenting a crafting show on TV, to starting her own crafting business called Crafty Monkies. Rachel chats with Kim about how she rediscovered her creative side after being reminded how she had crafted with her dad as a young girl.
159: The Artist’s Way Book Discussion
Kim and three guests discuss The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.